AquaRK Title specializes in refinancing services for real estate in the state of Florida. Whether you need to refinance your primary residence or your vacation home, we are the experts and we are ready to help!
We staff REO specialists and refinance specialists ready to help with your transaction.
Title Research
Lenders contract title companies to research a property's title to verify the owner of the property is indeed the person who applied for the loan refinance. This also offers information as to what issues, if any, may be present with the current title of the property. This covers anything that may have changed since the issuance of the original mortgage.
Transaction Manager & Closing Agent
Typically, a title company will act as a transaction manager or liaison for lenders, property owners, attorneys, and more to ensure everything goes smoothly and all processes are completed for a successful closing.
The meeting of borrowers and agents is typically performed by a closing agent assigned by the chosen title company. Arrangements are made through the closing agent to disburse funds, sign documents, prepare settlements, statements, and refinancing documents. The recorder's office also receives the mortgage documentation from the closing agent.